Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Tale of a "Beautiful Encounter"...

Long time it's been since I penned down my last blog post...perhaps my life was leading into a dungeon of jejune atmosphere, "yet again" until "this day"..( "yet again" will be elaborated..the elaboration won't be spicy..mind u..stay glued anyways ;) )

For the ones who have landed on my page for the first time...I started writing here way back in 2008 and that was the time when I unleashed The Romanticist me. I am a lover of every good & bad thing around me. I have fallen for the weirdest things in life and have stood by and drooled over some of the most "beautiful" things..

Bad things are of course not the problem of concern in this post...As a matter of fact, "a beautiful encounter with a graceful someone" has been the source of imbuing this "Doctrine of Confessions" !!

Let me begin like this...How often do you meet a stranger in your life and how often do you go by your gut feeling that meeting a stranger is just next to taboo..?! Perhaps its something quite normal..and I don't think I  need to elaborate the "whys & hows" of this disposition of ours.

I put forward the same stance too, but with an exception in the present "case". The "case" is something our protagonist had never thought would occur; something that doesn't happen too often...something's that's heard by many, but actually witnessed by few..And I am one lucky witness, rather the linchpin of that case & of this inspired post.

A plenitude of interesting characters and faces; people from all walks of life, all age groups and people with the most gentle to the most infamous states of mind...From the most gullible lass to the most cunning lad (or vice versa for most of you..)..and to the most eccentric of personalities...this year has made me meet a plethora of people with qualities that are still difficult to decipher and opined upon.

But one thing's for sure...the more people you meet., the more you socialize, the more you bring forward the garrulous you....the more life experience you gain...the more you learn what the world is...what the world has ever been...and what it will be...

Encounters with strangers bring up a series of experiences...mine has been one of the most beautiful ones of late...

( Excerpts from "his" 3 day experience @ our college fest)

A freshness in "her" smile..a juvenile voice to fall for...a svelte stance..and trices of grace in her gestures...this was his state of mind when he noticed "her" from a distance..a chance to interact was what he wished for..
When the authorities were looking up to him..."she" was the only one he was busy gazing at..He was falling for every gesture..& every move that she made..a chance was what he needed and an opportunity was what he carved out ! They both were strangers for each other..but hit off quite well..perhaps their ability to interact with all & sundry, made their minds resonate ! An interaction of about 15 mins on the first day and about 20 mins on the second, were enough for both of them to become close acquaintances.

Time passed...a few weeks down the line..and they are enjoying a strong rapport amongst themselves...two common place of presence..matching of mental frequencies..getting of well in no time...the earlier quoted "case" has indeed been one joyous & colorful one for our protagonist...He hopes to make it big in life..making the "stranger" a witness of his success in the future...

Destiny decides whom you meet in decide whom you wanna keep in touch with..and luck decides if you'd actually be with them...lets see what's in store for "them"...Strangers to friends to ______ or strangers to friends to strangers...let  fate fill in this void !
Amen :)

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