Monday, June 16, 2008

SCREWED??? I guess ya!!! to state it people....I m in a state of damn shock....I mean 2 yrs of JEE preparation has fetched me this...
JEE - EML/equivalent to not qualified
AIEEE - qualified
IP CET - qualified
CEE - qualified [people say..but I guess 1300 rank ain't any good..may be CIVIL/POLYMER etc]
So u now can actually understand my how nicely I m in a state of tizzy...
I don't wanna go for AIEEE counselling [not in favor of goin outside Delhi...cept fot IIT]
left r CET nd CEE counselling...
CET counselling on 4 July nd CEE on 7th I guess...hellll man...I once stated that I will take admission in IP only if situation compels me now I guess the situation is really compellin me to stay away from DCE's civil/polymer/environment, nd stick to BVP's or MAIT's cse/ece!!!
I mean...wat the helll is the so called "kismat" doin with me...I deserved atleast ece from DCE/NSIT...but...nooooo!!!
I can easily get some of the good NIT's in India...but no man...I cant even think of leavin Delhi..

sO ThE BoTtOm LiNe iS.....
4rm August....I ll either be called as a CIVIL ENGINEER 4rm DCE

wAt Do yAlL ThInK...
I just wanted to share my state with all of u...some of u might empathize with me..some might sympathize...but I guess ultimately this is where I stand finallllyyy...for this year[aTmOsT]!!!!

NaKuL tHe gR8

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